Minimal Invasive Spinal SurgeryPalm Harbor, FL

The spine is the highway of the body, with a multitude of body parts connecting and affecting it. Vice versa, spinal health issues can have negative effects on the body in many ways that people may not realize. However, treating serious spinal injuries, such as a broken spine or herniated discs, non-surgical options are not effective. This is where Minimal Invasive Spinal Surgery will be the most effective form of treatment.

Fortunately, the team at the Brain and Spine Neuroscience Institute can provide Minimal Invasive Spinal Surgery, at all Tampa Bay area locations.

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    It is important to note that reconstructive surgery is complex and will not be our professional choice, unless absolutely necessary. The spine consists of 26 bones or vertebrae, with a disc between each one. The disc has a soft gel-like center that helps cushion the vertebrae. With nerves, ligaments, bony structures and discs, damage to the spine can be a serious health issue. All of this envelops the spinal cord, which is why accurately treating a spinal injury is so crucial.

    These issues can make sitting and sleeping difficult and nearly impossible due to the pain. Patients will suddenly have difficulty and experience incredible amounts of pain going to work or relaxing with family on a regular basis. Fortunately, the team at the Brain and Spine Neuroscience Institute can provide Minimal Invasive Spinal Surgery to help patients regain control of their life and live with less pain.

    Check out what others are saying about our Minimal Invasive Spinal Surgery services on Google: Minimal Invasive Spinal Surgery Palm Harbor


    We can use spinal reconstruction surgery to:

    • Relieve pain
    • Restore spinal nerve function
    • Restore disc herniation
    • Correct spinal deformities

    With minimally invasive procedures, there will be smaller incisions instead of one large incision along the vertebrae. One benefit that many surgeons find results from this form of surgery is that they damage less soft tissue. With minimally invasive surgery, there is also a much more precise incision and overall procedure.

    The procedure can change depending on the area of the spine we operate on and the type of spinal health issue we treat. Some patients may require multiple surgical options instead of a single procedure. Thus, each patient will have a different treatment and recovery plan. Our team strives to ensure that each patient receives the personalized care he or she needs for the specific condition.


    Since each patient is unique, the recovery process from spinal reconstruction surgery will be different for each patient. There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for patients. While the basic procedure is similar, there may be differences in what we do and how the body recovers. For instance, patients may need to stay in our facilities or the hospital for several days after the procedure.

    The amount of time one may need to stay in bed will depend on the extent of the surgery and condition of the patient. In many cases, once the patient returns home, he or she will have to wear a brace for several weeks after the surgery to help stabilize the spine. The rehabilitation process will take some time as the patient learns the proper ways to walk, sit, move and stand.

    Before patients go through with the surgery, we will review all of the follow-up care steps so the patient understands what will follow. Rehabilitation and recovery will be a process. In fact, it can take up to a year before a patient fully heals, depending on the intensity of the procedure. During the first three months of treatment, patients will most likely have to restrict their activity and movement. This can include:

    • Bending the spine
    • Twisting
    • Stooping
    • Lifting anything that weighs more than 15 lbs

    Minimal activity will help the spine to heal. However, we will recommend physical therapy sessions to help the process following the procedure. As the patient continues to heal, we may recommend more frequent appointments with a physical therapist. Younger patients with a desk job may return to their job in the first few weeks following treatment.


    If you or a loved one needs spinal reconstructive surgery or another form of treatment, do not hesitate to give us a call and schedule a consultation. At the Brain and Spine Neuroscience Institute, we are here to treat brain and spinal health issues.

    Contact Us

    If you would like to learn more about spinal-reconstructive-surgery and the various treatments we provide, call (813) 751-2029 to schedule a consultation.

    Brain and Spine Neuroscience Institute is located at 3519 Palm Harbor Blvd, Suite B Palm Harbor, FL 34683.